
Two Blogs with One Sto...er...Mac?

ok so i am horrible Horrible HORRIBLE at follow through
this isnt the first time ive mentioned it
im not 1000% motivated right now but im whatever percent motivated enough to make a claim with some sort of action behind it to try and work on this little not so great habit...if not entirely fix it

this blog was never intended to become only deep thoughts
thats what its become though
i have a lot of deep thoughts sure
but not every idea that passes through this brain is of the, even if imagined, spiritual superiority that it at times feels like this blog has become

in some ways i appreciate that its become a place where i have to meditate and really filter and process what im thinking before i write
i am grateful to have this blog and will continue to write on it
in a way its become a counselor sort of for me...this might not make sense to many (any) of you...but its become this place i can put down things and realize intentionally sometimes, not so much others, how they have not just affected my tangible life but the God and me aspect too..and i think thats incredible...and rare...and awesome

i have other stuff i wanna say though and if only for reasons of my imagination, i dont always feel like i can put them here...
so what im doing is...or have already done actually is....to start a tumblr account...a tumblr for those who dont know is a place i can post conversations, photos, audio, video, short thoughts, long thoughts, links...anything....of any length...and any depth and i am linking this account to the tumblr so that posts here can be in the future read there too...

well kate why not just write the new ones on the other thing
a. let me do what i want please :)
b. there is something in my brain that sees the new thing as a casual funny friend..and this as a counselor/confidant...dont ask...i know its weird
c. because 2 blogs are better than 1 right?

oh yea to the follow through and how this helps:
my not so new years resolution (see what i did there? by adding not so to new years resolution i made it look original...clever i know) is to write more often on here...

i heard recently that if you write online but dont write faithfully you cant expect your readers to read faithfully either...i dont know that i have a ton of readers but i hear the solidity of the idea...the principle...and to me faithfully at first meant daily...and thats overwhelming and i know im kidding myself if i promised daily posts

but then i started thinking and realized...hey what if faithfully was just once a week...that seems WAY more doable....so sundays...sundays is gonna be blog faithfully day for me...it may increase over time but im gonna start with baby steps and work from there...so every sunday i will have some deep thoughts for you...whoever you are

and then the casual tumblr guy can just be my little spontaneous whatever friend....welp
crap tomorrow is sunday...no tomorrow is saturday....so 2 days i have


ill talk to you kids in 2 days then
good day

oh yea guess you might want the link...HERE it is :)

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